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2016年1月依维柯配件目录查询系统 Iveco Power TRUCK Parts catalog

单价: 600.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 62 人关注
更新: 2018-09-12
数量: 减少 增加件 库存1000件
立即购买   加入购物车


名称:依维柯配件目录查询系统 Iveco Power   Parts catalog

地区: 全球





The new IVECO Spare Parts Catalogue is an innovative tool when searching for spare parts, at every Iveco service centre.

IVECO POWER supports some new functions compared to the previous Spare Parts Catalogue.
The innovations concern some types of search:

• Search by Number Plate
• Search by Product Family

and some innovative functions:

• Personal notes, combined with spare parts
• integration of other documents (e.g. Supplier catalogues, Attachments and News)
• creation of spare parts lists (Basket)
• feed-back between Catalogue Users and IVECO in order to improve the quality of the service and reduce the number of cases that require contacting the Help Desk by phone (Contact PTHD)
• Price-list
• Compare macro-groups
• First outfit list.

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