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New Holland Construction Europe 2013 纽荷兰配件查询系统

单价: 1800.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 255 人关注
更新: 2018-09-12
数量: 减少 增加件 库存1000件
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New Holland Construction Europe 2013 description of the catalogue(纽荷兰配件查询系统):

Electronic catalogNew Holland Construction NHCEEUcont ains the catalogue of details for construction, building and special technical equipment on wheel and other to a course, including bulldozers, graders, dredges, loaders and dumpers and etc -Fiat Hitachi,Fiat Kobelco.
The program New Holland NHCEEU on 5 DVD is delivered, the information is submitted on models of the current modelling lines, since 1994.
The programNew Holland Construction NHCEEUcan be established in part with work from DVD or completely on the winchester 70 Gb, supports five languages (including English). The interface of the programNew Holland Constructionis enough idle time, there is a search on type, models, to number and the name of a detail, applicability of a detail.

New Holland Construction NHCEEU Compact Line- Backhoe Loaders, Midi Wheel Excavators, Midi Crawler Excavators, Mini Wheel Excavators, Mini Crawler Excavators, Skod Steer Loaders, Telehandlers, Tractor Loaders, Utility Tractors.

New Holland Construction NHCEEU Heavy Line- Wheel Loaders, Graders, Crawler Dozers, Crawler Loaders, Crawler Excavators, Articulated Dump Trucks, Wheel Excavators.

New Holland Construction NHCEEU O&K Line- Wheel Loaders, ForkLifts, Compact Wheel Loaders, Graders, Wheel Excavators, Mini Crawler Excavators, Excavators Fixed base, Crawler Excavators, Small Dump Trucks, Rigid Dump Trucks, Articulated Dump Trucks.

Conflict New Holland Construction Europe 2013 with other catalogues:


 Region:   All regions
 Languages:   English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Mexican, German, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish
 OS:   WinXP
 Quantity of CD:   5 DVD DL
 Date of update:   11/2012


纽荷兰(NEW HOLLAND)不仅是全球领先的农业机械品牌,也是中国先进农业机械的主要提供者。拥有百余年历史的纽荷兰品牌,进入中国已经超过30年,特别在最近10年里获得了较大发展。目前中国农业使用数量最多的100马力以上进口四轮驱动拖拉机、进口方捆打捆机等,均来自纽荷兰品牌。
CNH纽荷兰集团(CNH Case New Holland): 为菲亚特集团控股公司(90%),生产农业和工程建筑机械,是液压挖掘机和装载机技术处于世界领先水平。

纽荷兰工程 NHCEEU 小型房车线- 拉铲的装货机、迷地装轮子开凿者, 迷地装搜索器开凿者、迷你轮子开凿者、迷你搜索器开凿者, Skod 引导装货机、 Telehandlers 、牵引者装货机,实效牵引者。

纽荷兰工程 NHCEEU 重的线- 轮子的装货机、分类者、搜索器 Dozers 、搜索器装货机,搜索器开凿者, 以关节连接卡车 ,轮子开凿者了。

新的荷兰工程 NHCEEU O&K 线- 轮子的装货机, 堆高机, 小型房车轮子装货机, 分类者, 轮子开凿者、迷你搜索器开凿者, 开凿者固定的基础, 搜索器开凿者、小的卡车 , 硬的卡车 , 以关节连接卡车 。


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