推广 热搜: 2022  2018  雷克萨斯  比亚迪  北汽新能源  电路图册  一汽解放  卡特  大众  一汽 


单价: 12000.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 172 人关注
更新: 2024-04-20
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1 、 Vocom Interface 沃尔沃适配器 X1
2、  OBD2 Cable 电源线 X1
3、  8pin Cable  8针线 X1
4、  4pin Cable 14针线 X1
5、 12pin Cable for Renault trucks 12针线 X1
6、  USB cable USB数据线 X1
7、 2023年1月 VOLVO PTT 2.8.175 Tech ToolSoftware 新款诊断软件,中文,英文等语言
8、Volvo Matris 2.3.3 诊断软件 中文,英文等多语言
9、2023年沃尔沃工程机械挖掘机维修资料及配件目录查询系统软件 X1
10、 塑料工具箱 X1
11、全新大品牌惠普、戴尔等专用笔记本(正品保障,全国联保)X1  加配


Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface for Volvo/Renault/UD/Mack Truck Diagnose 

Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface Sofware:
Software version: PTT 2.8.175, software come with package for free, this software must installed on Windows system computer. Support Multi-languages.
Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface is a diagnostics application that covers the whole repair process through the use of plug-ins. With Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface you can diagnose, test, calibrate, and program a product. A product could be a vehicle, engine, or a machine. Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface also provide functions for updating the tool, communication with the product, and other external applications. The set of plug-ins, user authorizations, and available languages is adjustable to provide every user with what they need.

Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface Supported Companies and Electrical Systems:
Volvo Trucks (Older electrical system, Vehicle electronics '98, V2, V3, V4);
Volvo Buses (Conventional, Multiplexed, Multiplexed v2, Multiplexed v3);
Volvo Construction Equipment;
Volvo Penta (VERSION2);
Volvo OEM Component Customer (VERSION2);
Mack Trucks (V-MAC I/II/III, ITC, IV, IV+);
Renault Trucks (VERSION2);
UD Trucks (VERSION2)
Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface Functions:
Identify a product.
View information history.
Diagnose a selected product.
Test a selected product.
Program a selected product.
Calibrate a selected product.
Volvo 88890300 Vocom 图片全部为实物图,盗图必究:



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